Welcome to QB-Core-Vehicle-Rental-System! This resource provides a vehicle rental system for your FiveM server, seamlessly integrated with the QB-Core framework. With this system, players can easily rent vehicles for their use, enhancing the gameplay experience on your server.
Ensure you have the QB-Core framework installed and configured in your FiveM server.
Download the qb-core-vehicle-rental-system resource from the provided source.
Place the qb-core-vehicle-rental-system folder into your FiveM server's resources directory.
Add start qb-core-vehicle-rental-system to your server.cfg file to ensure the resource is started when your server starts.
Restart your FiveM server.
Notification System
QB-Core-Vehicle-Rental-System utilizes QB Core's notification system to display messages to players. In the client script, the QBCore.Functions.Notify function is used to send notifications to players, ensuring that the messages are displayed in the QB Core notification style.